
Kiti temos puslapiai: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
 2008-03-02 20:25:49
Temų: 3
Pranešimų: 91
Registruotas: 2007-12-22
o kada baigiasi oziaragis ir prasideda vandenis? nes gymiau sausio 19, tarp bezdziones ir gajdzio metu. del zodiako taj oziaragis, bet prie kuriu metu esu taj nzn , ar prie bezniones ar prie gaidzio

Oziaragis, ...everybody see how you look, but just some know who you are and what you thinking...
 2008-03-03 07:00:40
Temų: 3
Pranešimų: 91
Registruotas: 2007-12-22
Pirma manau ožiaragiam reikia susikurt gera aplinka, ir viska ka galima pasiekt gyvenime, ir gera darba turet, o po to vesti, kad jej pirma vedi, o po to ieskai darbo tai tada nesamone buna.nes tada maziau mataisi su šeima, ir pan.

Oziaragis, ...everybody see how you look, but just some know who you are and what you thinking...
 2008-03-03 08:51:35
Temų: 0
Pranešimų: 14
Registruotas: 2007-11-20
turiu tokia imone euroinstal cia darbas su elektra ,dar pradedu rinkti informacija nebrangiu viesbucio idejoms, nes manau turetu paklausa, kaip ir vakaruose.bet pradziai turiu pastatyti du namelius prie juros ,jau poperiniai variantai beveik baigti.tai belieka pastatyti ir prakalti.teisingai Edvinai mastai pirma geras pasiruosimas ateiciai ,tada planu vikdymas.su vedybom ar ilga draugyste neskubek ,nes kaip pasiziuriu i savo draugus ,tai moteris jos islepina ir lieka istyzeliais tai dauguma,o jei turesi pagrinda ir sutiksi moteri kuri tau patiks ,pamatysi kaip ji tau pakels sparnus.o jei ir nus vilsi nieko cia blogo visi pereinam per ta pati ,tokia ta musu zmogiska prigimtis rinktis.

 2008-03-03 09:01:59
Temų: 0
Pranešimų: 14
Registruotas: 2007-11-20
atradymas nemanau ,gal greiciausiai moteris i juos nekreipe demesio, nes atrode keisti ar joms reikejo kitka isbandyti.kazkiek esame keisti idomus ,bet galiu pasakyti ir apie kitus panasei todel kad kiekvienas savaip trenktas ir patrauklus kazkuo.moteru demesiu niekada nesiskusdavau tik man budavo kaikurie dalikai protiskai nesuvokiami viena myli ,kita globoja toks jausmas,kaip ir vaikui gali saldainiais papirkti o jei saldainiai nepadeda tai burbuliukais,nesu sutikes rimtesnes moters uzsave ir dar patrauklios idomu man atrodo butu

 2008-03-03 23:18:08
Temų: 3
Pranešimų: 91
Registruotas: 2007-12-22
gal galit išverst?:
2008 Astrology Forecasts For Capricorn: Money & Career

We already know that Capricorn natives are serious, hardworking and usually good at business, but in 2008 Neptune will be in their house of welfare all the time, which could make Capricorn natives be less realistic about the financial aspect. Neptune's transit doesn't have destructive effects, but predisposes to daydreaming, to art and spirituality, to introversion - and this attitude is not recommendable in business or money administration.

eAstrolog advises you to be very careful between June and October 2008, when Neptune is retrograde. You could get the impression that nothing is right anymore.
The same prudence is recommended when Mercury is retrograde (in the former half of February, the former half of June 2008 and the former half of October), when more caution is required in business, as well as small and well considered steps.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Capricorn: Love & Relationships

For Capricorn natives, 2008 promises to be a little more peaceful in terms of family, love, partners and friends. There won't be special events or difficulties.
This calm period in the sentimental life and relationships allows you to concentrate on the other areas, but you might be tempted to neglect your family and friends. Be careful not to turn a period with favorable astral predictions into a tense one! Your family and friends are the ones you can count on in need, and love offers you the energy and motivation you constantly need.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Capricorn: Education & Spirituality

2008 promises to be excellent for Capricorn natives, especially due to Jupiter's presence in the sign of Capricorn.

Jupiter favors progress: you can now enjoy every minute of your life and you find life more beautiful than ever. You trust yourself completely and you make good decisions, especially regarding personal development. Your excellent mood and optimism seem to encourage you greatly which is not characteristic of you, as you well know.

Uranus is in the house of communication, favoring exchange of ideas, a wider perspective and open-mindedness. Communication is your strong point in 2008 and you take full advantage of this period. You can now dedicate entirely to studying and make the best of your imagination and ingenuity.
Saturn will be in the house of long trips and spirituality. Therefore, in 2008 it's possible that you approach the spiritual aspects of life seriously, through study, a domain that is favored by Uranus. Because of Saturn's transit through the house of trips, long trips are not recommended.

2008 Astrology Forecasts For Capricorn: Health & Fitness

Generally, Capricorn natives will have good health in 2008, without any special problems. The only less favorable astral predispositions regarding health are related to sexuality, but they will manifest only in certain periods.

In January-February 2008, especially male Capricorns will have to spare their reproductive apparatus and the excretory one. We recommend you to lead a balanced life, without abuse, and to cut down on stimulating nutriments.

Mars' transit through one of the houses of health predisposes to small accidents, so beware!

Pluto's presence in one of the houses of health in the former half of January 2008, and then from the middle of July to the end of 2008, asks for prudence regarding sexual life - not only from Capricorn men, but from Capricorn women as well. Avoid excesses and don't take useless risks!
In the former half of June 2008 the nervous system, breathing apparatus, spinal marrow, ears and vocal cords will be more vulnerable.

Oziaragis, ...everybody see how you look, but just some know who you are and what you thinking...
 2008-03-05 12:55:19
Temų: 0
Pranešimų: 28
Registruotas: 2007-12-27
to DDonatas4 ---. Sakai BUDAVO kaikurie dalikai nesuvokiami "viena myli ,kita globoja toks jausmas,kaip ir vaikui gali saldainiais papirkti ", o dabar ? As tai negaliu tokiu dalyku suprasti iki siol, nes na jei myli tai myli, na nebent esi paieskose, tai tada gal kai renkiesi su kuo buti, bet irgi juk ne pagal tai kurio saldainio popierelis blizgesnis ..

Nesuprantu as kartais ..
 2008-03-05 12:57:08
Temų: 0
Pranešimų: 28
Registruotas: 2007-12-27
to edvinasb --> Edvinai, kas cia dabar, ar anglu pamokai ruosiesi :)))
 2008-03-07 00:29:29
Temų: 3
Pranešimų: 91
Registruotas: 2007-12-22
nematai ka parasiau? parasiau ar kaikas galetumet isversk kokie sie metais bus. parasyta angliskai apie metus o man reiktu kad isverstu :D :P

Oziaragis, ...everybody see how you look, but just some know who you are and what you thinking...
 2008-03-11 20:25:30
Temų: 3
Pranešimų: 91
Registruotas: 2007-12-22
gymiau 1993.01.19 09:45h arba 09:15, tai buvo tarp bezdziones ir gaidzio metu. tai noreciau suzinoti ar pasireiskia kaikuo sita diena?

Oziaragis, ...everybody see how you look, but just some know who you are and what you thinking...
 2008-03-11 20:26:35
Temų: 3
Pranešimų: 91
Registruotas: 2007-12-22
tiksliau data..

Oziaragis, ...everybody see how you look, but just some know who you are and what you thinking...
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